The Examinations and Records Unit of the Academic Support Services is manned by a Deputy Registrar. The unit supports the Registrar in her function as the Secretary to Congregation and Convocation. In addition, it oversees the following:
(i) Supports in the conduct of University Examinations and General Supervision over the conduct of all examinations;
(ii) Attends the board of Examiners’ Meetings to ensure that regulations are adhered to;
(iii) Compilation and issuance of statements of results, certificates, academic transcripts and verification of students’ academic records;
(iv) Issuance of Academic Transcripts
(v) Processing of Certificates & Issuance of Certificates on Daily Basis;
(vi) The unit services the following committees: Congregation and Convocation;
(vii) Matriculation of Fresh Students;
(viii) Preparation of Students’ Statistics; and
(ix) Keeping of Student Records.

PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING TRANSCRIPTS: Check the details on the University website: Undergraduate Transcript also Postgraduate Transcript